Abraham Femi Akintunde (PhD), Maryanne Fatima Ohiare-Udebu (PhD)


This paper concentrates on video games and their uses in language learning and teaching. It discusses language of video games and benefits of video games for language learning in general. It also explains what makes video games effective teaching tools. It stresses the kind of language that video games use and its implications. Finally, the paper made some suggestions for classroom teachers’ effective application of video games for teaching and learning processes.


foreign language learning, information and communication technologies, second language instruction, video-game based language instruction

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Copyright (c) 2020 Abraham Femi Akintunde (PhD), Maryanne Fatima Ohiare-Udebu (PhD)




 ISSN (PRINT):    2734 - 2522

 ISSN (ONLINE):  2734 - 2514






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