Anselem Anayochukwu Anih, PhD


This study examined the ICT competencies of computer educators in government secondary schools in Agbani Education Zone, Enugu State. The research was structured around two research questions and a hypothesis. A survey methodology was employed for data collection. The study encompassed a complete sample of 39 computer teachers from 46 government secondary schools. Data collection utilized a 35-item structured Teachers’ ICT Knowledge Form (TIKF) and an ICT Practical Skill Achievement Test (IPSAT) designed by the researcher. Data were analyzed using statistical methods including percentages, mean, standard deviation, and z-Test for independent samples. The analysis indicated that computer teachers' ICT competencies were insufficient, with only two out of five skills reaching a moderate level, underscoring the necessity for reforming ICT pedagogical methods, particularly at the tertiary level. The study outlined educational implications and recommended that computer teachers pursue extensive in-service training in ICT, and advocated for the government to facilitate partnerships between universities and Innovative Enterprise Institutes as per the National Policy on Education to benefit student-teachers.


Assessment, ICT Competencies, Re-engineering Pedagogical Strategies, Computer-teachers, ICT-skills.

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