Felicia K. Oluwalola (PhD)


This study examined teachers’ incentives and students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Odeda local government, Ogun state. Three research questions and three hypotheses were raised. A questionnaire on Teachers’ Incentive Programme and Students’ Academic Performance was administered. The population of the study comprised of teachers in some chosen public secondary schools in Odeda local government, Ogun state. There are about 20 public secondary schools with 1096 teachers as population, out of which 100 teachers were chosen across the chosen schools as sample for the study. Twenty teachers each were chosen from 5 secondary schools to make up the sample. WAEC results for 2017, 2018 and 2019 on Mathematics, English Language, Biology and Economics were obtained from the chosen schools for the purpose of the study. The research questions were analysed using Simple Linear Regression, while the hypotheses were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC).  It was also revealed that timely payment of teachers’ salaries had a strong impact on the academic performance of students. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that teachers should be paid at due time, this will encourage them to give their best. Also, government should encourage the teachers to advance in their career by subsidizing the cost and giving them study leave to enable them to impact professionally.


Teachers, incentives, students, academic performance, public secondary schools, career development.

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