Imaobong D. Akpan, Inwang E. Udom, Comfort I. Usoroh


This study was carried out to investigate peer influence and conflict resolution of secondary school adolescents in Akwa Ibom State. Three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A survey research design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 337 adolescents students in Senior Secondary II were drawn from  a population of 33,807 using stratified random sampling technique from 14 Secondary schools within the study area. A researcher-developed questionnaire was used to elicit information from respondents. The instrument had 20 items and was rated on a 4 point scale. The instrument was validated by three experts in cognate disciplines all in University of Uyo. The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of 0.96 ascertained the suitability of the instrument for use. Data was analyzed using independent t-test analysis. Findings portrayed that peer sub-cultures, group size and social freedom all had significant influence on conflict resolution among adolescents in the study area. Conclusion and recommendations were made based on the findings which includes among others provision of guidance counselors in public schools, creating awareness on acceptable peer sub-cultures, encouraging unity, love, cooperation and loyalty within peer groups irrespective of size, and emphasizing the ills of undue enjoyment of social liberties and freedom among adolescents.


Peer Influence, Conflict Resolution, Peaceful Co-existence, Adolescents, Akwa Ibom State.

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